5 Ways to Incorporate the Fluted Glass Trend Into Your Home | Eatons Interiors

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5 Ways to Incorporate the Fluted Glass Trend Into Your Home

18 April 2023

5 Ways to Incorporate the Fluted Glass Trend Into Your Home

5 Ways to Incorporate the Fluted Glass Trend Into Your Home

Source: Australia Design Review

Interior design trends may come and go but one thing for sure is that fluted glass is here to stay. Boasting both aesthetic and functional appeal, fluted glass doors, partitions or screens have enjoyed consistent popularity among both interior designers and homeowners over the years. 

It is a type of ribbed or textured glass designed with recognisable vertical grooves that will instantly add style to any space. 

Keen on incorporating this timeless trend into your home? Here are some tried and tested ways to make fluted glass work for your humble abode - keep reading to find out more.

1. Fluted glass shower screen

Fluted glass shower screen-shower screens

Source: cupboardz.blogspot.com

Rather than choosing mundane and plain-looking shower screensopt for a fluted glass version instead that will make your home stand out from the crowd. Unlike transparent glass, the vertical grooves of fluted glass help to conceal what is behind the screen partially, giving you extra privacy even in the bathroom. 

Learn more: Things to Consider Before Picking a Shower Screen

2. Fluted glass office doors

Fluted glass office doors

Source: IG - Trifle Creative

Ever since the pandemic prompted a shift in working arrangements, home offices have begun gaining traction among various homeowners as well. As such, fluted glass doors can come into play to help you separate work from life with its element of partial privacy. Let natural light stream in through the fluted glass doors to keep you motivated while at work but keep the doors closed after work to hide your office from plain sight in an aesthetically pleasing way.

3. Fluted glass partition wall

Fluted glass is not just perfect as shower screens or doors - it can also double up as a glass partition wall so that your home looks more spacious without having to compromise on privacy. This works well for open-plan interior designs as all you have to do is slide the partitions away to reveal different areas of your home and slide them back in place for solitude. You can also use fluted glass partition walls to separate different areas of your home, such as the kitchen from the service yard to help you hide clutter.

4. Fluted glass balcony doors

If you are worried about harsh sunlight streaming in from your balcony but do not wish to block it out entirely with blackout curtains, opting for fluted glass balcony doors is your next best bet. The translucency of the glass will soften sunlight, making a dark home feel lighter without being too glaring to the eyes. The warm glow will also transform your home into a cosy and relaxing safe haven.

5. Fluted glass wardrobe doors


Source: Handies.eu

Let Eatons Interiors help you to achieve your dream home

Eatons Interiors is an established boutique aluminium and glazing system fabricator in Singapore that also provides fluted glass design, fabrication and installation services. 

We are committed to transforming spaces through the latest trends but also by taking into account your unique needs.

Speak with us to find out more!